That’s how Snap starts with the description of its new product or rather web base tool “Snap Preview Anywhere”.
A simple to implement tool, SPA(Snap Preview Anywhere), is a great addition to the Snap search Engine. It gives an insight or preview to the links on the Snap search results so that you can verify if it is actually what you are searching for or is just a spoof site. To further their innovation they have now provided a free service where you can use the service to let a user in your site view any pages linked from your site.
Sitting on a revolving chair with my legs on my working desk and laptop on my (ofcourse) lap, I find two triangles when employees like me start their routine work at 9:30 am and try to finish their so called work at 6:30 pm. (Though I have been lucky enough to be where I am right now. No strict timing, no restrictive responsibilities and ample of space for improvement, what more can an employee expect from a small-medium company.)